Week 49 Free Printable: Ski Packing List

Each week in 2018 I will post a free printable on my blog that you can print and use as many times as you want with your own family.

My son is lucky enough to get to do a ski program through our local school – one of the great things about the Pacific Northwest is that we live close to both mountains and the ocean!

The first year he did this program I got super stressed out trying to make sure he would have everything he needed for the 5 hour adventure on the mountain when I wouldn’t be there. And sure enough, multiple times I had to race back home before the bus left to get something we’d forgotten – one time I even forgot his coat!!

So I created a checklist, and even I, someone who uses checklists all the time, was shocked by how much peace of mind it gave me to have the checklist to help me make sure he had everything he needed.  Try it out for yourself!

A ski packing list can give you peace of mind for your next mountain adventure. The pictures make it easy for littler skiers to help!

Print now for FREE!

Edit this list

If you need to make some changes to this list, you can easily edit it here by purchasing the Packing List Activity. Click on the text next to any picture to change it, or drag and drop items on and off of the list or to a new position in the list.


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