Week 27 Free Printables: Road Trip Activities

Each week in 2018 I will post a free printable on my blog that you can print and use as many times as you want with your own family.

The Trip Clip has a wide variety of printable activities you can use with the small, kid-sized clipboard and 4-color pen to make your road trip go smoothly. Here are a couple of free printables you can try out right now.

Print these activities for free

The Trip Clip has a wide variety of printable activities you can use with the small, kids-sized clipboard and 4-color pen to make your road trip go smoothly. Here is a free road trip BINGO board, a free counting game (it's a like a scavenger hunt), and a few printed tic tac toe boards that are perfect for keeping little ones entertained in the car.

The BINGO board is a fun way to keep your kids looking out the windows instead of staring at a screen while you drive.  Print multiple copies to have your kids work together, or you can make it a competition!  For the best competition, get them to only look out their own side of the car to find things.

The Count On It game is a like a scavenger hunt (with a little graphing and science built in). Have your kids watch for each of the items on the list and fill in a square each time they see one. The whole family can help keep an eye out for these things. Ask your kids to predict ahead of time which item they will see the most of on your trip. It’s like a little mini science experiment!  And it’s surprisingly fun to play together.

If you want to print a bunch of activities like this for your next road trip, try the Activity Book feature on The Trip Clip website.


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