Week 6 Free Printable: Restaurant Bingo

Each week in 2018 I will post a free printable on my blog that you can print and use as many times as you want with your own family.

Bingo is a great way to keep the kids entertained in many situations. This Restaurant Bingo Board can be super helpful when you find yourself waiting a long time to get your food. I like to keep some of these clipped into a kid-sized clipboard in my purse (along with some other fun printed activities) so I can pull them out when I need them.

This is a great activity to have with you for those restaurants that don't provide kid activities, or if there's a long wait for a table.

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Want to print more? You can generate new basketball themed bingo boards, or even edit individual squares, by going to The Trip Clip website.

You can also find other free bingo boards for traveling, or sporting events.

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